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Digital Remote Learning

Is Your Child's Regular School Competent in Digital Remote Learning?

Some schools have had forms of digital remote learning for years, but they are very few. The majority of districts have been thrust into trying to run a K12 virtual school due to COVID-19. This means that they are just feeling their way through, and in most cases, hoping that the pandemic will end soon so that they don't have to truly deal with this new method. As you might expect, the result is typically substandard. It tries to force old-fashioned school paradigms onto a new system, resulting in inefficiency, unnecessarily-long virtual school days, and substandard learning. In many cases, this is resulting in students performing poorly, and in some cases, even failing their grades.

The solution to this is to enroll your child into a real K12 virtual school. Such schools have been around for years, and have the experience to match. They know how to bring about true learning and progress in their digital remote learning students.  EIRE through years of experience in proctoring online students has achieved great results, no student has ever received a C, D, or F in any online course we offer.

One thing you'll notice is that a proper K-12 online learning program doesn't involve having kids sit at their computers for 6-7 hours staring at Zoom classes. Instead, they condense the online aspect down to 3.5 hours or less, which is all that is needed when the distraction of a physical classroom isn't a factor. A good virtual school also doesn't suck up all of a student's after-class hours with homework of dubious value. This leaves you and your child with plenty of time for extracurricular activities.

To enroll your child in a proper virtual school, contact EIRE Remote Learning. They specialize in teaching children from 4th grade through 12th grade. Soon, your child will be back on track with his or her learning, and have more time for other activities, as well.

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